WOTW 11/05/06
Hey everyone! Sorry it's late this week, but welcome to yet another wonderful WOTW. This week's word is extraordinarily easy to remember, so I expect that you will use it even more than usual in your everyday conversations. Without further ado, here is our word:
-acousticophobia (ă-koos"tĭ-kō-fō'bĭ-u) noun --> fear of noise
Ex: When the acousticophobic girl went to the loud rockish concert, she curled up in the fetal position and screamed until the band stopped playing.
And now, for the random fact of the week:
The twentieth-century American horticulturist Rudolph Boysen crossed a blackberry, a raspberry, and a loganberry and created a new fruit named, naturally, the boysenberry.
Alrighty, folks. Have a great week, and be sure to check back at this blog often this week, because it's concert week!! 11 bands, 3 concerts, 1 week... pure joy. Be sure to listen to my audioblog on Tuesday, because now it costs me money and I really put quite a bit of work into them (and did I mention that the music is awesome?), so I would appreciate it if you would listen and let me know what you think. Alrighty, enough shameless self-promotion. Have an amazing week... au revoir.
Fondest regards,
Dr. J
-acousticophobia (ă-koos"tĭ-kō-fō'bĭ-u) noun --> fear of noise
Ex: When the acousticophobic girl went to the loud rockish concert, she curled up in the fetal position and screamed until the band stopped playing.
And now, for the random fact of the week:
The twentieth-century American horticulturist Rudolph Boysen crossed a blackberry, a raspberry, and a loganberry and created a new fruit named, naturally, the boysenberry.
Alrighty, folks. Have a great week, and be sure to check back at this blog often this week, because it's concert week!! 11 bands, 3 concerts, 1 week... pure joy. Be sure to listen to my audioblog on Tuesday, because now it costs me money and I really put quite a bit of work into them (and did I mention that the music is awesome?), so I would appreciate it if you would listen and let me know what you think. Alrighty, enough shameless self-promotion. Have an amazing week... au revoir.
Fondest regards,
Dr. J
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