Sunday, October 29, 2006

WOTW 10/29/06

Howdy. Welcome to the word of the week, which I trust you will use responsibly and often this week. Enjoy!

-nefandous (nĕ-făn'dus) adj. --> unmentionable, unspeakable
Ex: The cause of his illness was nefandous, so onlookers were kept in suspense about why the man had four feet.

And now for a random fact:

Early astronomers thought that each day of the week was ruled by its own heavenly body, and as a result every day is named after an object in our solar system. It's easy to see how Saturn, the Sun, and the Moon are commemorated in Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. The other four days, Tuesday through Friday, get their names by a more roundabout route, from Tiw, Woden, Thor and Freya, the Anglo-Saxon equivalents of Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus. Feminists will be happy to note that we should thank a goddess it's Friday.

That's all I have for you today, folks. Stay warm and well-informed in the upcoming week (mainly by reading my blog!). Au revoir.

Dr. J

PS - I should note that most of the random facts presented in the WOTW are brought to you courtesy of Scot Morris' excellent Book of Strange Facts and Useless Information, which is unfortunately no longer in print. So thankyou Mr. Morris.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know Jill, it sounds like kind of a dirty word, doesn't it? I never remember them anyway.

6:31 AM  

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