Monday, October 16, 2006

Good Ways to Spend Your Spare Change

Hey everyone. Today I'd like to share with you a couple organization that I support and that I really believe are doing some great work.

The first organization I want to talk about is Gospel for Asia, which is a group that trains native missionaries to minister in Asia, primarily in India. A native missionary is someone who is originally from the region, so they already speak the language and know the customs, and they are more readily accepted than a foreign missionary would be. These missionaries are ministering in the 10/40 window, which is home to 97% of the people in the world who have never heard the gospel. There are many other facets of GFA's work, including building schools for young children, radio ministry, printing Bibles, and providing clean water for villages. One of the things I love most about GFA is that 100% of money you send for any of these things goes straight to the field. They are a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA), so you can be sure that they are being held financially accountable. If you would like to learn more about GFA, you can visit their website, where you can also request a free book, Revolution in World Missions, which explains more in depth GFA's purpose and vision. If you think GFA sounds great, then feel free to check out Missionary Sponsorship for $30/month, or you can sponsor a child through Bridge of Hope for $28/month. This is an organization whose vision is really in the right place, so I hope you'll take a little time to learn more about them.

The other organization that I'll be talking about today is Blood:Water Mission, which was established by Dan Haseltine and the other members of Jars of Clay. Blood:Water Mission's website states that they are "committed to [providing] clean blood and clean water to fight the HIV/AIDS pandemic, to build clean wells in Africa, to support medical facilities caring for the sick, to make a lasting impact in the fight against poverty, injustice and oppression in Africa through the linking of needs, talents and continents, of people and resources." They break it down like this: one dollar provides clean water to one African for one year. Not bad, huh? And I love the fact that the guys from Jars of Clay have actually spent (and will continue to spend) a significant amount of time in Africa, actually working with the people there. From what I've read, they really seem to have their hearts in the right place in this endeavor. Blood:Water Mission is also financially accountable - they are a registered 501 (c) 3 organization, and no more than 20% of the funds they receive are put towards administrative tasks. Check out, where you can donate your money or your time towards a great cause! You can also check our their MySpace page to learn more (and hear some great music!).

I know that a lot of us feel like we can't (or don't want to) give money to charitable organizations, because we don't know if they're reputable or we don't have enough money. Well, I just gave you 2 groups that I promise are reputable, so there goes one concern. And I promise you that every person reading this can spare some money to help other people. It might mean giving something up - your morning coffee, digital cable, name-brand food and clothes, your addiction to buying music (oh, or maybe that's just me)... I'm sure the list could go on and on. What has worked for me is putting aside 10% of my paycheck to spend on organizations such as these two. I get it direct-deposited into a separate account, so I don't even notice it's missing. So what I'm trying to say is that there are ways that we can be global-minded and sensitive to the needs of other people, even if we can't go to Africa or India to help people out. Let me know if you can think of other ways to contribute to great causes or any organizations that you love, because I know that there's a lot more I could be and should be doing. Alright, have a great day!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jill you have always been my role model and this is why. I can never be as good as you, but you inspire me.

PS When you aren't nagging me!

7:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what about me am i your role model?

10:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes!! Most definitely you are. I have learned a lot from each of my kids.

6:33 PM  

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