Thursday, September 21, 2006

There's a Thief in our Midst

Ok, we've all done it at some point in our lives. Maybe we just downloaded that one song or burned that one CD for a friend... it doesn't matter what it was exactly, but we know that we've all stolen music. I'm here to tell you that all forms of music theft are illegal. Think of it this way... would you walk into a music store and just take a couple CDs without your conscience hurting you? If you say yes, then you have a problem that I can't fix on my blog. I'll admit it, once in awhile I do burn a CD for my sister or a close friend, so I guess you can just call me Dr. Thief.

Hopefully the music you listen to is of high enough quality and is original enough that it required the artist to pour a lot of effort and a lot of themselves into writing it. When an artist does this, he or she deserves the fruits of their labor... seriously. If you don't think that your stolen music would be worth paying for, then it's time for you to find some new music! If this is the case for you, or if you really can't afford to buy music, then there is a great alternative for you. There are a lot of free, LEGAL music downloads available from independent artists online. While there are some low-quality independent artist, there are quite a few who are producing entertaining, original music. I'm going to start reviewing some of these artists on my blog in upcoming months, but if you want to search for yourself, here's some places where you can get started.

My favorite place to search for new artists is They have tons of artists, who can put up songs for you to either stream online or for you to download free. They have some brand-new artists and quite a few artists who are fairly well-known in some circles. It's really a user-friendly website, and a great place to find great music. You could also check out Indieheaven, which contains exclusively Christian independent artists. Another alternative is to listen to music podcasts, which are free and in which they find the good music for you! I guarantee you that there are many other websites that offer similar services; these just happen to be the ones that I use. So go find some good music that you don't have to steal! Alrighty, I better go because I'm going to be late for work (again!). Au revoir.

Fondest regards,
Dr. Thief


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No I would not feel guilty taking 2 CD's from the store.

11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So true! I've been anti-CD burning for a long time. It's just WRONG.

1:22 PM  
Blogger Jill said...

I just read this on iTunes' "Terms of Service": "You shall be authorized to burn an audio playlist up to seven times." So maybe I'm not Dr. Thief after all.

8:13 PM  
Blogger Jill said...

But that still doesn't make stealing music ok!

8:13 PM  

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