Monday, July 24, 2006

The Big Update

Alrighty, folks. I figured I would start off with a big general life update for those of you who I don't get to see much. I'll cover work, family, school, and maybe something else interesting. So I work at a daycare in Newtown, CT. I work with the infants and toddlers... mostly toddlers, they're my favorite. I swear, kids are the best thing ever (except when they try to beat you up). I just love my job. And it was really random that I found this job, because it happened to be listed in the classified ads of our town's paper on the 1 and only day that I happened to look in them. So work is great. VERY tiring, but that's ok, because it's probably the most rewarding job in the world. I'm still living at home with my madre and her husband. I spend a lot of time with my sister and her 2 lovely children. Keith Jr. is now almost 22 months and as many toddlers as I get to see, he is still absolutely the cutest (and the smartest!). Luke will be 3 months old tomorrow... he's very cute, even if he does spit up unceasingly. As for school, I finished up last semester at our little community college, and I'll be going back there next year also. I'm looking at places to transfer to for Fall 2007. So far I'll be applying to Connecticut College and the University of Hawaii, which is where I'm really seriously considering going. Yes, Hawaii is far away, but hey, this is probably the only time in my life when I'll be completely unattached and free to go wherever I want. So I'll keep you updated on the never-ending saga that is applying to college. What else exciting do I do? Not much... I listen to a lot of music, play some music, read a little bit, and devote entirely too much time to Lost. I guess that's enough rambling from me for now. I'll be back in the next couple days with a post about my favorite music... have a great day!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

keith almost looks girly with all that that why everyone was always on my case!? :)
Luke is the bomb! Put him on too!

7:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jill, what a charming little blogger you are!

5:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops, I didn't want to publish that without my name, I don't want to be anonymous, who wants to be anonymous?? That is not a good thing. Anyway, it was me. Mom.

5:18 PM  

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